Rabbi Brian’s Highly Unorthodox Gospel
Rabbi Brian’s Highly Unorthodox Gospel is a modern guide to compassion, kindness, and love for others (and self).
rB’s_HUG is a non-fiction, narrative-driven, inventive, liberationalist, spiritualigious theology book.
rB’s_HUG answers the question, “What would a gospel written by a modern day rabbi look like?”
rB’s_HUG is a book about love. Of others. And self.
Which format would you like to enjoy this fresh spiritualigious content?

rB's_HUG is slightly different in each format.
rB's_HUG is slightly different in each format.
The audio book is read by me. And, I go a little off script from time to time.
The digital edition has clickable links.
The paperback has interactive exercises on the page.
The DELUXE HARD-COVER GIFT EDITION comes with interactive stickers and a dedication page.
100% money back guarantee.
You don't like it, get your money back.
ALL EDITIONS: I wanted to be able to give you a refund and I can’t do that on Amazon. Also, I’m not on Amazon for some of the same reasons I don’t eat Chick-fil-
PAPER EDITIONS: I wanted to include a bookmark and (for the Deluxe Hardcover Gift Edition) to include the interactive action stickers. Can’t do that on Amazon.
DIGITAL EDITIONS: Amazon & Apple take close to 75% of the revenue and that’s absurd as they didn’t do the work.
The Deluxe Hardcover Gift Edition
Plenty of white space on each page.
And, it comes with a set of interactive stickers you can use with the exercises not available in any other format.
(It weighs 2.5 pounds. It’s awesome.)
Spiritual value $75 CANadian
At a meal with my friend Anne at Queen’s Quay in Toronto, we flipped through a proof copy of the book adding up the spiritual value contained in it.
We estimated it the content about love, compassion, and patience alone to be $75! Add in the section about shame and rB’s_HUG has a value of over $100 USD.
Rabbi Brian’s Highly Unorthodox Gospel
A lot of people like it.